One of the interpreter doing work for us. you can contact her at or Toll Free 1-866-664-4182 Or take a look at
Marilyn Arrieta
“World Conference -Specialty Coffee of the Americas
Minneapolis, April 30-May 6th. 2008
Gasper Users Conference, ATM Users/Remote Control-Westin Hotel
Atlanta, April`14,15th. 2008
National Coalition of Domestic Violence “Annual Meeting. Atlanta,
A. March 2008
US. Mexico Annual Bilateral Commission for the Preservation of Wild
Life. Grand Canyon, AZ February 2008
Aspect Contact Centers of the Future. Annual Conference.
Atlanta, GA. March 2008
Infectious Diseases. CDC“Focus Group. Atlanta, GA “March 2008
Wood Processing Annual Meeting and Seminar- Simultaneous
Interpreter. Atlanta, GA September 2007
North Side Foods Strategy Meeting -Workforce Rollout
Sessions-Simultaneous Interpreter Conference- Cumming GA, July 2007
GA Bar Association- Western Migrant forum on Human Rights
Conference, Simultaneous Interpreter -Atlanta, GA – June 2007 Banker™s Annual Managers Meeting: simultaneous interpreter-
Atlanta, GA, March 2007
Food Product Surveys Focus Group- Palo Alto, CA – Simultaneous
Interpreting- Atlanta, GA January 2007
Public Focus Group for Television commercials – Simultaneous
Interpreting -Teens and Drugs – Atlanta, GA June 2006
The Power Of Pink- Annual Training, Mary Kay: simultaneous
interpreter- Duluth, GA, April 2006 15th Annual Western Migrant Stream Forum: simultaneous Interpreter-
Portland, OR, January 2006
Focus Group – simultaneous interpreting for GA Natural Gas,
Atlanta, GA, November, 2005 The PMA Fresh Summit 2005: simultaneous interpreter for PMA-
Atlanta, GA, November 2005 CARE-Obstetrics: RMHM: maternal Health Care and Neo-natal
Complications in developing countries – Atlanta, GA, October 2005 Primerica Financial Services: simultaneous interpretation- GA
Stadium- Atlanta, GA June 2005 Power Tool Focus Group: simultaneous interpretation- Atlanta, GA,
May 2005
Alta Language Services: simultaneous interpretation – QuickBooks
Training sponsored by WHO/The Carter Center -April 2005 (Delegates from
Guatemala from the “Oncosarcosis Medical Research Institute SCAA 7TH Annual Conference for Specialty Coffee of the Americas:
Alpha Tech.- Seattle, WA, April 2005 IBM œData Warehousing – International Conference: simultaneous
conference interpreter Phoenix, AZ, October 2004
CARE USA Internal Audit Global Conference 2004: simultaneous
Interpreter – Atlanta, GA June 2004
California Rural Legal Association: Simultaneous
Interpreter/translator- San Francisco, CA, February 1985-2000
Cal Norman Translations: numerous simultaneous conferences / and
translations, Orange County, CA, 1984 to present
Some Sample Projects (From 1984 – Present)
Investigative accident Reporters – Tenco Services -Cindy Campbell
— interpreting for interviews -Atlanta 2007 to present Business Linguistics: Simultaneous interpretation and other local
assignments -Atlanta 2006 to present
Teriquin Inc. Contractor for various interpreting projects
(depositions, medical) -Atlanta, GA and vicinity 2005 to present
Lionbridge Interpretation: (Washington, D.C.) USICE, interpreting
for immigration courts and interviews-2000 to present
Court Interpreting for USICE: TN, LA, NC and KY:
Video-conferencing for court judges in Memphis, TN, 2003 to present Immigration Court Interpreting for various Detention Centers in the
Country: Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida and others-2004 to present
Humana, Inc., Business Benefits, Insurance Brokers: ongoing
consecutive interpreter- Atlanta, GA, April 2001 to present
Insurance Enrollment Meetings: Assurant, Blue Cross Blue Shield,
and various local brokers: Spanish Presentations -2002 to present
(served as interpreter as well as introducing enrollment products to the
Hispanic community in Spanish)
DHR interpreter: telephonic interpreter for various DHR agencies-
Atlanta, GA, 2003 to present (contract renewed annually)
Bowne Global Solutions/ State Department of Justice/U.S. Court of
Immigration and Naturalization: registered consecutive interpreter for
the immigration judges- Atlanta, GA, April 2000 to present Support Network: interpreter/ translator of legal documents for
court- Mountain View, CA, 1993-1999
LATN – Atlanta – contractor for depositions, hearings – legal,
medical, Children’s Hospital – Atlanta, GA, February 2004 –2006
LSA – Language Services- (Interpre -Talk) telephonic interpreter
from 2006 to present LLE- Telephonic interpretation: medical, detentions, legal, auto
accidents, commercial customer calls 1-2008 to present Court and medical interpreter for workers compensation cases:
Atlanta, GA, 2001 to present
Telephonic interpreting: various government agencies and
businesses- 2002 to present
Court, hearings, legal, depositions and mediation interpreting for
local multiple contractors: Atlanta, GA. 2002 to present Applied Ceramics: (Blue Cross Blue Shield of GA) insurance
enrollment interpreting- 2002 to present
ABI Shepherd Center: ongoing interpreting, Atlanta, GA, May 2002 to
2004 – Catastrophic Accidents and Acquired Brain Injuries (Shepherd
Center, Pathways and Rehabilitation Club) Programs run by Shepherd
Center-working with patients-2003
Written Translation Work (From 1978-Present) Written assignments for various organizations/ magazines including:
advertising, business manuals, legal documents, letters of notice,
health insurance, medical manuals, electric and electronic engineering
documents and handouts, construction, civil engineering, international
universities, diplomatic consulate™s press releases, private
corporations, board of directors minutes, insurance manuals, technical specialty
documents, and safety operation manuals among others. Translation of conference paper on the study and use of chemicals
in wells and types of aquifers- Translation Spanish to English
-Chihuahua, Mexico -February 2005 DHR – Written translations in various fields- from March 2005 to
the present
Technical Translations (please refer to the client portfolio) for
list of technical field of experience. (Translations available upon
Figure Stick Designs, Atlanta, GA – translated brochures,
inventions and designs, 2004 to present
Cobb /Douglas County Department of Health, written translations-
medical, mental health, HIPPA, other documentation and forms -2004 to
Cherokee Town and Country Clubs- Personnel translations for the
club 2006 to present
Medical, technical, business, legal, and literary translations for
multiple corporations and industries, San Francisco, CA: 1978 to
Business Owner 1970-1986 œCOYCO Guadalajara, Mexico
In partnership with a major company in Mexico City, established an
Interpreting / Translation Company in Guadalajara, Mexico to provide
domestic and international full-service translations
Services included:
Conference planning, public relations, consulting and coordination Conference simultaneous/consecutive interpreters and translators
Written translation of documents for domestic and international
Event conference personnel (registration, social technical
programs, trade shows)
Trade show coordination of services (consultation, set up and
Electronic interpreting equipment –rental and installation
COYCO Client Portfolio
HP de Mexico
IBM de Mexico
Sharp Electronics,
Phillips Semiconductor
Medical Laboratories
Scholl (School of Economics) PA
American Embassy
DEA and a large number of government agencies
Precision Instruments
American College of Surgeons
Swedish Embassy
Chrysler Corporation
American Association of Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
American Association of Orthopedic Surgery
Mexican Society of Gastroenterology
American School of Cardiology
Inter-American Society of Oncology
Dept. of Public Health, Tourism, Public Works
CARE (American Red Cross)
Dept. of Transportation & Public Services
Plastic Extrusion -Brownsville TX
Dept. of Public Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Treasury Department
IEEE (Association of Electric and Electronic Engineers)
International Association of the Sugar Cane Industry (Paris,
Universidad de Guanajuato, Escuela de Minas (School of Mining)
University of Guanajuato Mexico
Department of Agriculture
Automotive Management Meetings and symposiums
Carter Center – Atlanta, GA
The above list represents both interpreting as well as translations
that I have been involved in.
Georgia Commission on Interpreters- (Administrative Office of the
Orientation program and written test for state court Interpreters.
Proficiency test: “Superior” Oral test pending
Professional Linguistics – Training/Orientation interpreting for
Superior Court August 2005
Bowne Global Solutions: Telephonic Interpretation; Qualified,
August 2004
Cobb County Superior Court, Marietta, GA: 16 hour
orkshop/accreditation course
Alta Languages, Atlanta, GA: Tested in Language Proficiency for
DHR – (English and Spanish) Qualified August 2004 – œSuperior”
Law Enforcement Training, Bridging the Gap/GA: Qualified, Austell,
GA, December 2004
Language Line University: Certificate of competency in Language
Interpreting, September 2003
DHR orientation and training: Qualified, registered Social Services
interpreter – September 2003
Tele Interpreters- Qualified, telephonic interpretation training;
Glendale, CA, April 2003
LLE Link Interpreter –Qualified: telephonic interpretation
training, Serving as an interpreter for LLE; Winchester, Va. November 2002
Lionbridge Language Interpreting, US Immigration and Naturalization
Department, Tested and qualified as interpreter for court immigration
hearings – Atlanta, GA, April 2000 to present
ITIL International Translation and Language School: Mexico,
certification as an English and Spanish Instructor, March 1981
Institute of Interpreters and Translators -Interpreter and
Translators Certification, (Instituto Superior de Interpretes y
Traductores) – Mexico, D.F. ATA acredited) 1974-1977
Certified Simultaneous Conference Interpreter and Translator,
Instituto Superior de Int̩rpretes y Traductores, November 1977 РMexico,
D.F. (4 year program)
B.A. Linguistics, University of Mexico, November, 1972
Berlitz, Mexico: Spanish and English instructor – English, Spanish
and French instructor/teacher for small groups and private students
January 1969
Additional Experience and Honors
Currently developing a tailored workshop curriculum for airport
interpreters: project development, management and delivering training for
interpreters and for airport future trainers to take place in May 2008
ESL (English as a Second Language)- Program Director. Developed,
trained and coordinated a current ESL program for a church language program
for the international community in Marietta, GA –February 2006 to
City of Sunnyvale (Sunnyvale, California): Teen Advisory Council of
Honors Award For outstanding dedication and service to provide
alternative teen programs in the interest of the community April 1999
Trained and certified as an expert witness for Domestic Violence court
cases – California 1998
City of Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale Community Services- Award. For
successfully implementing, training and establishing the first Liaison Training
Program for community interpreters to serve in local hospitals, schools
and law enforcement agencies – June 1989. This program is still
active and has grown to other counties
Sugar Cane World International Conference: Award for the Planning and
coordination of the Technical Program, interpreters, hostesses,
registration, traveling and Exhibit for the 1st. World Conference for the Sugar
Cane Industry. April 1983 (Paris, France) organized by COYCO
(interprete™s company) in Mexico, D.F. Mexico
MING Medical Interpreters: Bridging the Gap. USA Member since the
year 2000
National Association of Conference Interpreters Honorary
member—accredited member since 1980 (Mexico, D.F)
National Association of Visitors and Tourism Bureau (member) Mexico,
National Council of Medical Interpreters, member- USA
Latin American Association, Member- USA