Lan The Interpreter Feedback

Brian said she did great and he will definitely use her again if the need arises. Thank you again for all of your help. I have already had one of the other assistant’s ask me for your information so that she can use you if need be….again, thank you.

Peruana interpreter

LIC. GRACE ELIZABETH VALENCIA MANRIQUE Traductora e Intérprete Colegiada Colegio de Traductores del Perú (CTP) No. 319 EDUCACIÓN 2005 Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón – UNIFÉ Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación y C. C. de la Comunicación Programa Académico...

The Release Agreement

Today we did a rush-in translation of a release agreement. There is no translation that can not be done if you have the right guns to do it. However, many times, it really does not matter how much experience the interpreter may have the legal translation can sometimes...

Nepali Translator Work done for Innerlingua

Here is Ramesh contact 1-866-664-4182 or email Name: Ramesh Bhatt Penname: Zihannasheen D.o.b.: 26th Sept., 1959 AD Place of Birth: Feud, Anantnag, Kashmir Qualifications Literary: Poet; Writer; Translator; Copyeditor Languages...