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Utilization and application of the CZECH and the SLOVAK languages for domestic
and international translation/interpretation projects in various fields.
Professional translator/interpreter.
Research, analysis, and administrative problem-solving skills.
Articulate and persuasive.
Interpersonal relationship skills
Excellent organizational and negotiation skills.
Competent, reliable, committed, and responsible.
Computer literate.
Language specialist fluent in both: Czech, Slovak (mother tongues) and English;
Knowledge of Polish and Russian.
Founder/owner of the translation/interpretation company: GabTrans, managing and safeguarding high quality results.
Responsible for client contacts, developed creative solutions to accomplish
the best possible results, utilizing the language skills.
Press liaison for the French-based research and development pharmaceutical
company ChromAgar in the USA, secured company’s visibility on the US
market and in the specialized media. Organized, supervised, and formulated company’s participation in trade conventions and shows, domestic and worldwide.
Written many articles for international press, specialized newsletters,
brochures, proposals as well as published articles in literature and visual art
publications. Nationally and internationally published poet and cartoonist.
The New York Circle of Translators, NYCT
Foreign Press Association, New York
Founder/owner of GabTrans Translation Services., New York
BBC translator/interpreter, Bratislava, Slovakia
Foreign correspondent and translator for, Internet publication, Prague, Czech Republic
Bowne/Berlitz/Lionbridge translation/interpretation company; certified immigration court systems interpreter, New York
Freelance translator/interpreter (with many clients), New York
Foreign correspondent for the Czech & Slovak magazines and newspapers
Translator/interpreter Bowne Global Solutions, Washington, DC
Claims Conference, Inc., New York
The World Press Review Foreign Correspondent, New York
Interpreter for the Czech and the Slovak Miss Universe 2000, Cyprus
ICHEIC Language Caseworker, New York
Bowne Translations, Inc. – in-house translator, New York
Slovak subtitles translator for the documentary film Andre’s Lives, New York
Slovak textbook translator/editor The American Jewish Committee, New York
MOSTY Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Prague, Czech Republic
Czech voiceover for the Czech beer company Pilsner-Urquell Co., Radio ad, New York
Court translator/interpreter, San Francisco, CA
Tour director for Czech & Slovak tourists, Los Angeles, CA
Translator/Interpreter for A Traveling Jewish Theatre, the European tour
Freelance Slovak correspondent, RADIO FREE EUROPE/RADIO LIBERTY, New York
Slovak language editor, OBZOR publishing house, Czechoslovakia
Freelance writer, journalist, dissident, Czechoslovakia
State diploma, English major, The Language Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
CURRENT RATES – subject to change
Based on the context and specifics – my translation rates are standard and in some instances negotiable – per word: $ 0.15-0.20; editing/revising: $ 0.10-0.15; per page: $ 45 and up. The agreement must be reached/signed prior to the assignments, which makes it legal and binding.
Interpretation rates: $ 70 per hour, 3 hours minimum, plus applicable travel and other expenses (tolls, trains, taxis), plus travel time: $ 30 per hour.
All costs listed are related to basic weekly charges; weekends and holidays jobs are subject to additional surcharges of 80{290f88b3d18ad9897f44e6f4a93883c7d1ffbfdf463e05778e7a5100c5b27d00}. There are additional charges for so called – rush and fast jobs at 100{290f88b3d18ad9897f44e6f4a93883c7d1ffbfdf463e05778e7a5100c5b27d00}.
For the assignments outside NY state and/or requiring overnight stay (including within NY state), flat-rate charge would be $450 per day, plus all applicable expenses (RT transportation, etc.).
All translation projects are delivered based on original formatting demands; exceptions are applied and must be specified.
Cancellation/notification has to be made within 24 hours (both by calling and e-mail); otherwise, all agreed rates are applicable and valid.